Master Captain Jeff Kraynik
Captain Jeff Kraynik is a 100 ton United States Coast Guard Master Captain and member of the American Professional Captains Association. All vessels are self-inspected annually and exceed the U.S.C.G. minimum standards for carrying passengers for hire (OUPV). All vessels are equiped with Garmin GPS units, EPIRB, VHF handheld radio, required safety equipment and First Aid kits
Florida duck hunting is divided into two phases. Our duck hunts sell out quickly so make sure you allow enough time in advance to reserve your experience.
Wildlife like the Florida Manatee, wild hogs, bottlenose dolphins, Osceola Turkeys, and shorebirds by the millions can be viewed throughout the entire year.
Florida's Space & Treasure Coast's offer some of the most unique, diverse, and fragile habitats in North America. The St. Johns River Marsh (Upper Basin) encompasses over 500,000 acres of unspoiled and reclaimed marsh habitat. With the voter imposed gillnet ban of 1995, the Indian River Lagoon Eco-system has exploded back to life with (8) eight pound gator sea trout and (30) thirty pound tailing redfish. |